
Thrive Credit Union’s regular checking account is designed to offer you convenience and flexibility with no strings attached.

Account Features & Benefits 

  • No minimum balance or monthly service charge

  • Overdraft protection for those who qualify

  • Required opening deposit of $20.00

  • ID Theft Protection for $1.95 per month

  • Free Visa debit card

  • No limit on number of checks written 

  • 24-hour online account access with online & mobile banking


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage pork shank turducken frankfurter tenderloin shankle ham hock chislic chicken biltong chuck. Buffalo beef beef ribs meatball, pastrami meatloaf rump short loin porchetta burgdoggen turducken swine shoulder bacon. Sausage pork loin strip steak t-bone boudin short ribs spare ribs turducken burgdoggen. Boudin shoulder tenderloin pork chop pig shankle brisket alcatra hamburger turducken burgdoggen strip steak cow sausage leberkas. Pork loin landjaeger rump chuck burgdoggen picanha, porchetta flank.


Thrive Credit Union’s Ultimate Checking Account is more than just a checking account. It’s a checking account that pays! 

Account Features & Benefits 

  • Earn 3.0% APY** per month on balances up to $15,000

  • No minimum balance or monthly service charge

  • Overdraft protection for those who qualify

  • Required opening deposit of $20.00

  • ID Theft Protection for $1.95 per month

  • Free Visa debit card 

  • No limit on number of checks written 

  • 24-hour online account access with online & mobile banking

How to Earn 3.0% APY** 

  1. Must be enrolled in e-Statements.

  2. Must have a Thrive debit card and complete 15 debit card transactions per month.

  3. Must have direct deposit at Thrive.

* Ability to earn 3.0% APY* up to $15,000.00. Rate is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the board of directors. 
** APY – Annual Percentage Yield. Rate is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the board of directors.


Thrive Credit Union’s Elite checking account offers all of the same benefits of a regular checking account, plus the ability to earn monthly dividends on your balance.

Account Features & Benefits 

  • Required minimum balance of $1,000.00 ($7.00 per month will be charged if the balance drops below the minimum balance of $1,000.00)

  • Overdraft protection for those who qualify

  • Required opening deposit of $1,000.00

  • ID Theft Protection for $1.95 per month

  • Free Visa debit card, checks, and money orders

  • No limit on number of checks written

  • Dividends are paid on the last day of each month

  • 24-hour online account access with online & mobile banking


Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage pork shank turducken frankfurter tenderloin shankle ham hock chislic chicken biltong chuck. Buffalo beef beef ribs meatball, pastrami meatloaf rump short loin porchetta burgdoggen turducken swine shoulder bacon. Sausage pork loin strip steak t-bone boudin short ribs spare ribs turducken burgdoggen. Boudin shoulder tenderloin pork chop pig shankle brisket alcatra hamburger turducken burgdoggen strip steak cow sausage leberkas. Pork loin landjaeger rump chuck burgdoggen picanha, porchetta flank.

Delaware Branch

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Wheeling Branch

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Morrison Branch

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Checking Account Resources

Courtesy Pay

Courtesy Pay

Most of us have found ourselves facing an occasional cash crunch at one time or another, be it the result of our own accounting error or an unexpected expense. That’s why we are pleased to offer Courtesy Pay – a convenient benefit that can make it easier to weather life’s unexpected storms.

What is Courtesy Pay?

Courtesy Pay is a noncontractual overdraft protection service that we may offer to our members with eligible share draft (checking) accounts. As long as you maintain your account in good standing, we may cover insufficient fund items up to your approved $500 Courtesy Pay limit. We will charge our $24.00 overdraft fee and send you a notice when an overdraft occurs. You are required to bring your account to a positive balance within 30 days.

How can I add Courtesy Pay for my checks, automatic bill payments, and other recurring debit transactions?

Courtesy Pay is automatically added to your account, if in good standing, for checks, automatic bill payments, and other recurring debit transactions using your account number, such as a gym membership, electric bill, etc. You can remove this service at any time by contacting us.

How can I add overdraft coverage for ATM withdrawals and everyday debit card purchases?

Simply contact us and ask to add overdraft coverage for your ATM withdrawals and everyday debit card purchases (see the document titled “What You Need to Know About Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees” for details). There are no applications or credit approvals necessary. You can revoke this service at any time by contacting us.

How does Courtesy Pay work?

With Courtesy Pay, if we receive an item that causes the balance in your account to go below zero, as a courtesy, we may pay the item up to your $500 limit; including the overdraft fee.

Are other overdraft protection options available?

Yes, we also offer overdraft protection through a line of credit or link to your savings account, which may be less expensive than Courtesy Pay. To learn more, ask about these plans.

Is there a charge for Courtesy Pay?

There are no fees to have the service available on your account. If you use Courtesy Pay you will be charged a $24.00 fee for each insufficient item as described in our Courtesy Pay Policy. The charges associated with Courtesy Pay are also listed in our Fee Schedule.

What You Need to Know About Overdrafts and Overdraft Fees

Click Here to Add Courtesy Pay to My Debit Card

Debit/ATM Cards

Debit/ATM Cards

Use your Thrive VISA© debit card to pay for purchases from your checking account anywhere you see the VISA logo. You can use your debit card at stores, restaurants, and ATMs, and to order merchandise by phone, online, or by mail.

Features of Thrive Debit Card

SecurLOCK Equip Logo

Card Suite Lite gives you control of your card right from your smartphone. You can manage and protect your accounts from fraud with customizable alerts and services available 24/7. You can turn your card on and off, receive notifications of possible fraudulent transactions, set alerts, and more! Download the app from the app store today and begin using it with your Thrive Debit Card!

Get it on Google Play Download on the App Store

Pay securely with mobile payments. You can pay with the security and convenience of your phone with Apply Pay, Samsung Pay, or Google Pay! Enjoy all the benefits of your debit card using mobile payments at hundreds of thousands of stores and participating apps. Mobile Pay logos for Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay

Lost or Stolen Card?

To report a lost or stolen VISA© debit card call us at 765-284-1015 during regular credit union hours. If it is after regular credit union hours please call toll-free 1-888-263-3370.


Thrive ATM Locations

Our ATMs are in the Cirrus and Star networks. This allows you to use your Thrive ATM or debit card on any other ATM nationwide that displays the Cirrus or Star logos. You can use any Thrive ATM as many as 8 times per month without a fee. Thrive ATM’s are conveniently located at all both branches and in the lobby of the Delaware County Building.

4501 S. Delaware Dr. Muncie, IN 47302

2610 N. Wheeling Ave. Muncie, IN 47303

3360 N. Morrison Rd. Muncie, IN 47304

Delaware County Building

100 W. Main St. Muncie, IN 47305

Access Over 30,000 Surcharge-Free ATMs Nationwide

When using your ATM or debit card to conduct ATM transactions, you can avoid surcharge fees with any ATM in the Co-Op network.

Find an ATM near you and download the ATM locator for surcharge-free ATMs in the Co-Op Network.

Can’t find a Co-Op ATM near you? You can also look for an Alliance One Network ATM and avoid Foreign Surcharges.

Find an ATM near you in the Alliance One Network.

Thrive Referral Program

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